Getting an estimate is easy! We provide free quotes, after your inspection, your proposal is e-mailed to you promptly. we will work with you to provide the best solution for your property. Many bird infestations are clearly visible from the outside of the building, making an appointment unnecessary and we can assess independently.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

We dry clean areas to be treated first and dispose of droppings, nesting material and debris. after dry cleaning, we wash and disinfect areas to be treated.

We provide a clear strategy on solving your problem with a step by step proposal. we look at why the birds have come to your property if it's not apparent. the most common reason for pigeons or birds coming to your property is for a food source or nesting areas.

5-YEAR WORK Warranty

Over 30 years experience in the bay area providing successful bird control to commercial and residential property owners backed by our 5-year workmanship guarantee. We clean, disinfect, and professionally install high quality bird control products. We monitor the site to insure the treated areas remain bird free.